Can I eat foie gras supermarket when pregnant ?

Pregnancy may not be easy. There are many questions for mothers to ask in order for the baby to develop well. However, sometimes it is stressful not to know what you can and cannot eat while pregnant. During the holidays and eating out moments, we might want to eat foie gras. However, can we eat foie gras while we are pregnant? First of all, we will clarify in which circumstances you can eat foie gras and then the risks of eating certain types of foie gras.

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Under what conditions can we eat foie gras supermarket when pregnant?

Eating foie gras is a pleasure for a lot of pregnant women. But while pregnant it will not be recommended by gynaecologists. However, it appears that we will still be able to eat them? So YES you can eat it but in some cases. Cooked foie gras is allowed while pregnant, among other things in a stuffing cooked in the oven and also in a pan-fried foie gras.

This is why, to be as clear as possible and to find out if you can eat foie gras supermarket when pregnant, we will list the foies gras allowed and the foies gras not recommended while pregnant.

Authorised foie gras:

  • Foie gras cooked in jars, canned or vacuum-packed
  • Pre-packaged foie gras
  • Sterilized liver
  • Pan-fried foie gras
  • Stuffing of cooked foie gras
  • Foie gras sauce: heat the sauce properly and use canned or jarred liver and as with the recommendations given for dairy products, use milk and pasteurized cream
  • Frozen foie gras: you can eat it simply because the foie gras will have undergone a temperature below 20°C and as a result the Listeria bacteria is killed

Why would we prefer canned foie gras? It is usually sterilized for better preservation. The sterilization process will eliminate the possible presence of the Listeria bacteria.

Banned foie gras:

  • Homemade foie gras (terrine, tea towel)
  • Foie gras in the caterer or restaurant
  • Semi-cooked foie gras
  • Foam of foie gras

Pregnant women most often ask themselves the question for semi-cooked foie gras. We will make clear why it seems not advised for pregnant women. Semi-cooked foie gras is not recommended because it happens to be cooked at low temperature. This way the cooking won’t be strong enough to remove the listeria . Semi-cooked foie gras is in the category of fresh products with a short shelf life, so do not take this type of foie gras while pregnant.

What could be the problem with eating foie gras supermarket pregnant?

The problem with eating foie gras supermarket while pregnant will be listeriosis. Listeriosis is a pathology caused by a bacteria, Listeria, which is present in meat, dairy products, cheese and foie gras. Listeria is killed by pasteurization or cooking. Therefore we know better why it is possible to eat cooked foie gras.

The 2nd less common problem will be vitamin A overdose. Eating foie gras supermarket when pregnant brings a lot of vitamin A. Too much vitamin A is not recommended while pregnant. It is possible to eat it, but it is better to eat it occasionally.

What to do if you have eaten undercooked foie gras?

In that case, don’t be alarmed. The Listeria problem we mentioned above is quite rare. There is no need to do anything in an emergency. You will need to monitor symptoms within 2 months after eating undercooked foie gras that may be at risk of Listeriosis for fever and headaches. In this case, it is advisable to visit a doctor so he can examine you and, if necessary, take a blood test to look for the bacteria. If it is positive, then you will need to take antibiotics.

If you are curious to find out if any other food is allowed or forbidden while pregnant, use our search engine for finding food is allowed for pregnant women .


With all this info, you now learn if you can eat foie gras supermarket while pregnant. In this situation whether you eat foie gras, eat it occasionally.