Can I eat durians when pregnant ?

Are you allowed to eat durians while pregnant? You are now in a moment in life that makes you ask yourself plenty of questions. While pregnant, it will be advisable to eat everything to provide the baby with what it needs. But the doctors have recommended you to not eat specific foods, despite all recommendations it is very easy to be lost in the instructions. As mentioned in the advice it is necessary to eat 5 fruits and vegetables daily, however are they all allowed during pregnancy? We will see with you if you can eat durians when pregnant and then the food hygiene guidelines during pregnancy.


What will be the risk of eating durians while pregnant and the useful info to eat this fruit properly?

What will be the risk of eating durians while pregnant?

You can eat durians during your pregnancy with no worries. We suggest various measures before consumption. The only risk of eating fruit during pregnancy will be toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite present in the soil and therefore on plants. Toxoplasmosis could also be transmitted by cats. Most women have already been exposed to toxoplasmosis and have developed antibodies. For pregnant women who do not have these antibodies, looking at the rest of this article.

What are the tips to follow to be able to eat durians while pregnant?

At the beginning of your pregnancy, the doctor will have you do a blood test to see if you have these antibodies. If you do not have them, you will have to comply with various food hygiene guidelines. Fruits do not grow very often in the soil so the risk of transmission of toxoplasmosis will be low. However, it is still advised to wash the fruit to remove any soil and pesticide residues and then eat them. If you cannot check (for example in a restaurant) if they have been rinsed, then do not eat them. Otherwise, if the fruit is peeled or you wash the fruit, you can easily eat durians when you are pregnant.

Why is it essential to eat fruit and therefore eat durians when pregnant?

Fruits offer you very good nutrients for pregnancy. Among these nutrients, you have folate or called vitamin B9. Folate offer the baby the opportunity to develop his nervous system properly.
Fruits also provide you with fibres, which are important for a good transit of your digestive tract. They will be low in calories and reduce the risk of constipation.
Eating durians while pregnant will also offer vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, magnesium, potassium, water and many other nutrients essential to the development of your baby and for yourself.


At last, you can eat durians while pregnant without any problem. If you have any questions about your pregnancy, do not hesitate to ask your doctor.

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