Can I drink diet soda when pregnant ?

The pregnancy will be an extraordinary moment for you but really difficult as well. A lot of questions in 9 months! You’ll need to do that and not do that! Enough to be lost in all this. We have already seen in different articles quite a lot of food and drink on our website, soft drinks are one of the drinks we hadn’t mentioned yet. So can we drink diet soda while you are pregnant? To begin we will inform you if you can drink diet soda while you are pregnant and the reasons behind its limitation in quantity and sometimes its prohibition during pregnancy.

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Is it possible to drink diet soda pregnant?

A refreshment in summer! A real pleasure this drink with fine sparkling bubbles! However, is it safe to drink diet soda while you are pregnant? We will not say YES or NO, simply because it may depend on the soft drink. There are provisions for the intake of soft drinks, or even prohibitions. The drink to promote during pregnancy happens to be water, about 1. 5L per day.

What details will I need to check to drink diet soda while I am pregnant?

What will be the categories of soft drinks?

You are pregnant and you are looking to determine if you have the opportunity to drink diet soda while you are pregnant. We will discuss two categories of soft drinks and teach you why drinking diet soda pregnant can be bad for pregnancy.
The 1st type of soft drink happens to be sodas . They often have water, sugar and acid. If you drink it often, it will sometimes increase your weight or increase the problem of diabetes during pregnancy.
The 2nd type will be light drinks that do not have sugar but sweeteners. Sweeteners are highly criticized for their potentially harmful effects if you drink too much.

What is the problem with caffeinated drinks or energy drinks?

Colas or energy drinks have a lot of caffeine. There is a caffeine limit during pregnancy, which is actually 300 mg per day. Caffeine will sometimes be bad for the baby if it happens to be drunk in really large doses. It could cause stress, a decrease in the absorption of calcium essential for bone building.
To inform you of the caffeine dose in these drinks (the reference will be instant coffee, which contains between 27 and 173 mg :

  • cola type soft drinks can include between 25 and 50 mg
  • energy drinks can include between 70 and 180 mg

In addition to caffeine, energy drinks contain molecules that are toxic to the baby. It is therefore highly contraindicated to drink them during pregnancy.

This information gives you the opportunity to know if you will be able to drink diet soda pregnant.

We provide a search engine for pregnant women , if you are looking to determine if another drink or food is allowed during pregnancy.


Now you can see if you will be able to drink diet soda while you are pregnant. To summarize, it is not advised to drink energy drinks during pregnancy. Soft drinks (light or sweet) and drinks with caffeine will need to be limited in quantity in order to protect the baby and allow good health for the mother.