Can I eat teriyaki sauce when pregnant ?

Questions, only questions during pregnancy! Diet during pregnancy will be the subject of many fears for women when pregnant. There is a lot of advice, however it often happens to be lost in all this information. What is the possibility of eating and what will not be advisable? Is it safe to eat teriyaki sauce when we are pregnant? First of all we will see if you will be able to eat teriyaki sauce during pregnancy or not and then the essential information to eat sauces without any problem for the baby.


Is it ok to eat teriyaki sauce when you are pregnant?

You feel anxious because you no longer understand whether or not you are allowed to eat sauces during pregnancy. And in particular can we eat teriyaki sauce when we are pregnant? The answer is NO, you will not be able to eat teriyaki sauce when you are pregnant. To make it more precise for you, we will see in the 2nd part the suggestions for eating sauces well without any problem.

What is the advice on how to eat teriyaki sauce when you are pregnant?

It seems important to have a well-balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy. Different foods is discouraged or encouraged during pregnancy, including some sauces and especially eating teriyaki sauce when you are pregnant. We will clarify to you why it is not recommended to eat this sauce in particular.

Fish sauces

All fish sauces is banned (oyster sauce, nuoc mam, etc. ). They will be made from pickled but usually uncooked fish. Even if industrial sauces have very little risk, it is preferable not to eat them.

Soya or soya-based sauces

Soy contains phytoestrogens, which can affect the baby’s proper growth. It happens to be possible to consume salty or sweet industrial soy sauces but in a very exceptional way. For other soy sauces, it will not be recommended to eat them, either they will be too salty or made with fish marinades.


Most of the sauces have a lot of salt. It happens to be very likely that eating teriyaki sauce when you are pregnant brings you a lot of salt. The maximum daily intake is 5 g of salt per day. The salt may be hidden under the name monosodium glutamate or E-621 in the list of ingredients. Some sauces will be more salty, such as soy sauces and broths. It is better to use aromatic herbs or spices to spice up or salt your dishes.

Eat teriyaki sauce when pregnant with egg and homemade

Raw egg sauces are not recommended during pregnancy. Avoid sauces in restaurants or during invitations to friends’ homes made with raw eggs. If you make your own homemade sauce, you will very rarely be able to use raw eggs, but they must be very fresh and properly stored. If you are in doubt, do not eat sauces with raw egg yolks. However, you can eat industrial sauces made from raw eggs because the sauce is most often pasteurized.

Sauces with dairy products

Avoid fresh cheese sauces, if you don’t know if the cheese has been overcooked. You can eat cheese sauces if the cheese has been well cooked. Sauces made with cream, milk or butter will have to be made with pasteurized products.

Alcohol-based sauce

Sauces with alcohol are not recommended during pregnancy. The alcohol does not have time to disappear during the cooking of the sauce. The rule is ZERO ALCOHOL during pregnancy.

You can use our search engine for women when we are pregnant , if you want to know if you have the possibility to this or that food.


Finally, you will not be able to eat teriyaki sauce when you are pregnant.