During your pregnancy, doctors often recommend a diversified and balanced diet. Nevertheless, you can be lost in authorized and not allowed foods. There are a number of steps you will take during pregnancy to ensure that your baby grows as well as possible. Nevertheless, in all this, can we eat charlotte when pregnant ? Desserts and pastries are a sweet temptation that you don’t see being forbidden from food. We will examine with you first of all if you can eat charlotte when pregnant, then the measures to take for desserts and pastries and finally a slight explanation on weight during pregnancy.

Can I eat charlotte when pregnant ?
Pastries and desserts! Can we really not having it for nine months? Can we eat charlotte when pregnant ? The answer will be almost YES, you can eat charlotte during pregnancy. BUT BE CAREFUL, there are various measures to adopt to eat them correctly.
Which are the problems associated with eating
charlotte when pregnant ?
The risks associated with eating
charlotte when pregnant
There are 3 main risks related to two bacteria (Salmonella and Listeria) and one parasite (toxoplasmosis). The first is related to the risk of Salmonellosis. This risk happens particularly when eating raw, undercooked or not fresh eggs. The second risk is listeriosis, which is found in dairy products (milk, cream, butter) made from raw milk that will not be cooked at more than 70°C/158°F. The third one is toxoplasmosis that may be present on fruits, which you will place on pies for example.
Recommendations to prevent contamination when eating charlotte while pregnant
To limit the risk of Salmonella and Listeria infection, make your own pastries or desserts with boiled eggs. If you occasionally want to use them fresh, use eggs very close to the laying date and store them properly in a cool place. Preferably, choose recipes where the eggs will be cooked properly. In the same idea, use pasteurized milk and cream. To minimize infection with toxoplasmosis, wash the fruit properly.
In bakery, pâtisserie, restaurants or friend’s houses, avoid pastries made with snow eggs or raw or undercooked eggs, so as not to take any risks (tiramisu, meringue, lemon meringue pie). The date of laying of the eggs used to make the cake and whether the pastry was properly stored is unknown. For industrial manufacturing, there is low risk. Prefer lemon pie, chocolate mousse, and many other industrial recipes rather than homemade ones.
To make it easier to understand everything that has just been said, eat desserts or pastries that are industrial or homemade recipes but made with cooked eggs, pasteurized cream or milk.
Weight during pregnancy
You will gain weight during your pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is advisable to limit it to a certain number of kilos (12kg on average during the entire pregnancy). You will often have increased appetite, think about a snack, but you should choose fruits or yoghurts. Dessert or pastry will be occasional, therefore you can eat charlotte when you’re pregnant.
Do not hesitate to contact your doctor or midwife in the case you want to ask them any questions you may have.
Consider regular physical activity for your personal well-being.
You want more details on exercises during pregnancy :
For desserts and pastries, you can eat charlotte when pregnant, but don’t forget that every preventative measure has been taken.
If you want to know if you can eat another food, enter it in our search bar for pregnant woman.